Emerge Mindfully Into a Life You Choose

Emerge Mindfully: Less Stress & More Joy From Difficult Times

This actionable handbook goes beyond meditation to make mindfulness a real-life tool you can use to enjoy your life more every day.

“I curated these mindfulness tools for this time, to help you reimagine your life, stepping back in the world in a way that you choose - certainly in a way that is more life-giving and vital.” - Michel Spruance

“Michel, her book, and course around emerging mindfully, are amazing. The mindfulness practices and information that she shares are wonderful tools for us to create more ease, awareness, and resilience, so we can have more agency, choice and respond to all to the stressors we are experiencing now and always in life. I highly recommended the book, course, and Michel as a guide.”

– Kim Armstrong, Co-Founder of Space Between, a non-profit brining mindfulness to educators and children in Washington State

  • Buy The Book

    Clear out stress with fast, easy-to-use tools, and begin to build your life anew with real-life mindfulness. While the book is perfect for emerging from the pandemic into a life you want, it will serve you for years to come. Keep it for yourself and give one to a friend. Buy from Michel here, or find it on Amazon.

  • Book Michel

    Michel loves helping people feel better in the moment, using proven, fast and even fun tools to stop stress in its tracks. Michel is a dynamic speaker and facilitator, and the content of Emerge Mindfully makes an engaging interview or experiential seminar leaving your audience refreshed and grateful.

Who is Michel?

Michel E Spruance, (M.Ed., E-YRT 500, Lightyear Coach) is an executive and leadership coach, helping leaders reimagine success and build new pathways for excellence based in real-life mindfulness. Michel brings a unique blend of traditional strategy and embodied mindfulness to help individuals and businesses reach new heights.

She wrote Emerge Mindfully: Less Stress and More Joy from Difficult Times to ease the suffering she witnessed from clients through the pandemic. “The last two years has pulled the rug out from us in many ways. While it is deeply painful in ways, it also calls forward new possibilities as we rebuild our lives, our communities, and the way we work,” Michel explains.

Committed to helping people build meaningful lives where they make a positive impact in the world, Michel draws on 20+ years as a teacher, facilitator and coach, supporting individuals and teams.

Michel has trained in many modalities, from coaching and conflict resolution, to mindfulness and yoga. She is a certified coach with Lightyear Leadership, as well as certified in mindfulness through the 2-year Mindful Meditation Certification Program and in Primordial Sound Meditation from the Chopra Center to name a few certifications.

Michel owned and operated a successful yoga studio in downtown Seattle for 12 years, is a co-founder of Space Between, a non-profit that facilitates educational transformation through mindfulness practices in Washington State.